I know similar questions have been asked, I've tried a bunch of them (including the php docs) but I don't seem to get this to work.
I have the following:
$query = "insert into page title values ('v1');insert into page title values ('v2');insert into page title values ('v3');"
$index = 0;
$insertId = $this->db->insert_id;
for($i = $insertId; $i < $insertId + sizeof($pages); $i++) {
//store ids in some array
If I execute the above code, no matter what I try to do next on the db I get "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" error.
I understand that I have to close all results, the issue is I don't know how.
It seems there are results because $mysqli->more_results()
returns true but if I then call use_result() or store_result() these return null. I've tried doing that before and after calling next_result() and it's always null:
while($mysqli->more_results()) {
//next line returns error, calling close() on null:
while($mysqli->more_results()) {
//next line returns error, calling close() on null:
Please help, how to get rid of "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" after doing multi_query inserts and calling insert_id. Thanks.
$values = ('v1' => '','v2' => '','v3' => '');
foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
$query = "insert into page title values ('$key')";
$values[$key] = $mysqlidb->insert_id;