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ActionBarCompat - how to use it

I'm trying to use ActionBarCompat on my own project. I've already opened the sample project (, But I don't know how to implement it on my own.

I can't find any tutorial of some kind. Should I make this project as a library? Can someone give me some directions, please.


  • As for implementation, just stick to the sample code provided under the class. You can find it here or under <your local android-sdks folder>/samples/android-15/ActionBarCompat/src/com/example/android/actionbarcompat/ In general, all you need to do is the following:

    1. Code a menu resource where you declare the items for the action bar (See
    2. Code an Activity that extends ActionBarActivity
    3. Override onCreateOptionsMenu() so that it inflates the menu you coded in step #1
    4. Override onOptionsItemSelected() so that you handle the event when the user taps any of the ActionBar items you defined in step #1.

    I think it makes sense to build an Android Library project out of the ActionBarCompat code; then you can just reference it from your custom Android project. Remember it's licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.