I have a roo project that I have been working on for a little bit with no real problems. I had a couple of weird errors so I restarted STS then cleaned the project and restarted the roo shell.
Now, in the package explorer, I have duplicates of all of the *.aj files created by roo. They really are the same file since when I double click on each, the same file opens (if it is already open in a tab, then it brings it to the front instead of opening another tab). I do not want to remove roo. How can I get rid of the duplicates that roo has created?
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Ok so I don't what caused this but here is how I was able to fix it. Right click the project>Close project. Right click the project again> Open project. Refreshed, and all of the duplicates were gone.
Btw, are you sure you can't answer your own question? I was able to do so and I have less than 100 rep. With my rep I cannot comment on yours, so I needed to add this comment to my answer.