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LinkedList adding Element

We have a problem with our LinkedList in C. When I count how many nodes should be in the list, I always get 1

LL count: 1

This is the Add, count and get last element of the list code:

void addLL(LL * head)
LL *newNode;
LL *tail = getLastNode(head);

newNode = malloc(sizeof(LL));
if(newNode != DEF_NULL)
    newNode->next = DEF_NULL;

    if(!head) head = newNode;
    else tail->next = newNode;      

LL * getLastNode(LL * head)
    LL *temp = head;
    while(temp->next != DEF_NULL)
        temp = temp->next;
    return temp;

CPU_INT32U countLL(LL * head)
    CPU_INT32U elements = 0;
    LL * temp = head;
    while(temp->next != DEF_NULL)
        temp = temp->next;
    return elements;

It's called in this way:

temp = countLL(list);       
Debug_LOG("LL count: %i", temp);

where LL * list; is a global variable, and temp is in local scope. I hope anyone can see where I went wrong

Greetings, Sjaak and Gerrit


  • I see several issues in your code :

    • you should always protect your linked list operations by testing if the list pointer is valid (i.e. not null)
    • you cannot allocate a first item to an empty list due to the way you allocate the first new item : you change head but the modification won't be propagated outside of the function. You should pass a "pointer to a list pointer" (i.e. a LL**) that is equivalent to "the address of a LL*"; See how I call addLL() and how I have modified its prototype and the head assignment
    • if your list is only one block long, it won't be counted as you count only if there is a successor, see how I have modifed the order of the do / while condition

    I propose the modified code that works for 1, 2 or any list length (I have just changed the CPU_INT32U to int to compile quickly with MinGW, I could have typedef'ined):

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define DEF_NULL 0
    typedef struct tagL {
        int ID;
        int TCB;
        struct tagL *next;
    } LL;
    void addLL(LL ** head);
    LL * getLastNode(LL * head);
    int countLL(LL * head);
    void addLL(LL ** head)
        LL *newNode;
        LL *tail = getLastNode(*head);
        newNode = malloc(sizeof(LL));
        if(newNode != DEF_NULL)
            newNode->next = DEF_NULL;
                *head = newNode;
                tail->next = newNode;      
    LL * getLastNode(LL * head)
        LL *temp = head;
        if (head){
            while(temp->next != DEF_NULL)
                temp = temp->next;
        return temp;
    int countLL(LL * head)
        int elements = 0;
        LL * temp = head;
        if (head){
            do {
                temp = temp->next;
            } while(temp != DEF_NULL);
        return elements;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
        LL *list = 0;
        printf("LL test\n");
        printf("length = %d\n", countLL(list));
        printf("length = %d\n", countLL(list));
        printf("length = %d\n", countLL(list));

    Output :

    LL test
    length = 1
    length = 2
    length = 3