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Exit cleanly from Perl threads

The memory consumption of the following code increases in the course of its execution. What could be going wrong ? Is there something else I need to do to exit cleanly from the thread ?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;    

my  ($i,$URL);
my  @Thread;
my  @response:shared =();
         if( $response[$i] is processed)
              $Thread[$i]=new threads \&Get,$i,$URL;
    # wait for atleast one $response[$i]
    # if ready process it               

sub Get
    my $i=$_[0];
    my $URL=$_[1];        


  • from

    "On most systems, frequent and continual creation and destruction of threads can lead to ever-increasing growth in the memory footprint of the Perl interpreter. While it is simple to just launch threads and then ->join() or ->detach() them, for long-lived applications, it is better to maintain a pool of threads, and to reuse them for the work needed, using queues to notify threads of pending work. The CPAN distribution of this module contains a simple example (examples/ illustrating the creation, use and monitoring of a pool of reusable threads."

    Please try to have a poll of threads.