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GWT (2.4.0) + XSRF

I've been trying to get XSRF working on a webapp to no avail. I am looking at a typical login implementation.

I am following Google's code. I changed my web.xml to include:



and extended XsrfProtectedServiceServlet on the server Impl file of my login service. It is my understanding that no other change is needed on the server. Do I need to add anything else, such as a method that returns an RpcToken here (as well as in the interface I am implementing)?

On the client side, I use annotations.

public interface LoginService extends RemoteService {
    String check(String user, String pass) throws IllegalArgumentExceptionhere;

This is probably where I am missing something. Google says on the tip: Tip: To specify which RpcToken implementation GWT should generate serializers for use @RpcTokenImplementation annotation. Not sure what that means or if I need another method here to return an RpcToken.

My async interface is like this:

public interface LoginServiceAsync {
    //Returns the Session ID
    void check(String user, String pass, AsyncCallback<String> callback);

Then for my actual RPC call, I wrap my code around the xsrf token request. I use code identical to google's:

XsrfTokenServiceAsync xsrf = (XsrfTokenServiceAsync)GWT.create(XsrfTokenService.class);
((ServiceDefTarget)xsrf).setServiceEntryPoint(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "xsrf");
xsrf.getNewXsrfToken(new AsyncCallback<XsrfToken>() {

    public void onSuccess(XsrfToken token) {
        LoginServiceAsync rpc = (LoginServiceAsync)GWT.create(LoginService.class);
        ((HasRpcToken) rpc).setRpcToken(token);

        // make XSRF protected RPC call
        rpc.check(user, pass, new AsyncCallback<String>() {
            // ...

    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
        try {
             throw caught;
        } catch (RpcTokenException e) {
        // Can be thrown for several reasons:
        //   - duplicate session cookie, which may be a sign of a cookie
        //     overwrite attack
        //   - XSRF token cannot be generated because session cookie isn't
        //     present
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        // unexpected

The complain is I that the call to getNewXsrfToken fails as it doesn't know that xsrf location from the call here: GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "xsrf". I get the feeling there is a token handshake missing which causes this error, but I am not sure.

Lastly, I also tried implementing Nick Siderakis' code but his example uses a JSP page which asks the server: XsrfTokenUtil.getToken(request.getSession().getId()). I do not want to use JSP pages and I have not figured out how to perform this without a jsp page. His code also diverges from the Google code example (i.e. he doesn't call getNewXsrfToken) which I do not know if it's the "prefered" google way of dealing with XSRF.

Any ideas as to what I am missing? Thanks.


Solution below...


  • Ok I figured out the problem. I had to change GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "xsrf" to "gwt/xsrf" in my code above as it wasn't pointing to the the right place, as I suspected. In addition, the server could not find a JSESSIONID cookie, so I followed this and added Cookies.setCookie("JSESSIONID", "JSESSIONID", null, null, "/", false); inside my onModuleLoad(). That did it. Cheers.