How to get result in WITH table AS
loop? I have previously asked about how to get recursive results from my table
How to read all records recursively and show by level depth TSQL
;with C as
definition ...
I have created CURSOR loop where I want to run specific stored procedure for all results in table
declare @id int, @parent int
declare cur cursor local fast_forward
select id, parent from C
open cur
fetch next from cur into @id, @parent
while @@fetch_status = 0
exec storedProcedure @id=@id, @parent=@parent
fetch next from cur into @id, @parent
close cur
deallocate cur
Problem is that CURSOR doesnt know table
from WITH AS result.
Invalid object name 'C'.
You can create a temp table or a table variable to hold the rows returned by you CTE query and then you use that table as the source for your cursor.
declare @T table
id int,
parent int
;with C as
select 1 as id, 2 as parent
insert into @T
select id, parent
from C
declare cur cursor for select id, parent from @T