Looking through the Azure Service Bus documentation and posts on the web I can only find examples of dead-letter processing that use the MessageReceiver classes to read dead-letters from the $DeadLetterQueue.
While the above scenario works fine, I'm curious if the following scenario is supported:
Can I point a separate WCF service endpoint to essentially listen for messages on the direct dead-letter queue (e.g. sb://mynamespace.servicebus.windows.net/MyTopic/subscriptions/MySubscription/$DeadLetterQueue)?
The expectation is that as new dead-letters are added, this listening WCF service endpoint is triggered to handle the message. The experiments that I've performed so far indicate that this is not supported.
Anyone know if Azure Service Bus can handle this configuration?
Sorry, Currently i cannot find any documentation about this. You can submit a feature request on http://www.mygreatwindowsazureidea.com/forums/40626-windows-azure-appfabric-feature-voting. As a workaround, you can use MessageReceiver to read the messages, and then if you like, you can send the message to a WCF service.