I want the origin to be at the center of my window.
______________ | ^ | | | | | o----->| | | |____________|
.NET wants it to be in the top left hand corner.
_____________> | | | | | | | | V____________|
Dot net and I are trying to get along..
Does anyone know how to do this in C# just using the Graphics object?
Graphics.TranslateTransform doesn't do it since it leaves the coordinates flipped upside down. Combining this Graphics.ScaleTransform(1,-1) isn't satisfactory either since that makes text appear upside down.
One solution would be to use the TranslateTransform property. Then, instead of using the Point/PointF structs you could create a FlippedPoint/FlippedPointF structs of your own that have implicit casts to Point/PointF (but by casting them the coords get flipped):
public struct FlippedPoint
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public FlippedPoint(int x, int y) : this()
{ X = x; Y = y; }
public static implicit operator Point(FlippedPoint point)
{ return new Point(-point.X, -point.Y); }
public static implicit operator FlippedPoint(Point point)
{ return new FlippedPoint(-point.X, -point.Y); }