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Attach a PDF/Doc file With my mail

I have Generated pdf Files from online. While seeing the pdf, i want to send that pdf via mail with that pdf attached automatically. I used lot of codes but everything works fine for single pdf.can any one help me .


  • Try this,

    if([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail]){      
        MFMailComposeViewController *mail=[[MFMailComposeViewController alloc]init];
        [mail setSubject:@"Email with attached pdf"];   
        NSString *newFilePath = @"get path where the pdf reside";
        NSData * pdfData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:newFilePath];
    [mail addAttachmentData:pdfData mimeType:@"application/pdf" fileName:@"yourpdfname.pdf"];
        NSString * body = @"";
        [mail setMessageBody:body isHTML:NO];
        [self presentModalViewController:mail animated:YES];
        [mail release];         
        //NSLog(@"Message cannot be sent");