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Flex how to get data from services inside methods

So my problem here is that i get all the data from the database using php services. the count service and the getAllData works just fine when using them on components but when i try to use them in functions i dont get anything. It's realy bugging me and i know that it something simple but i cant find a solution.


<s:Label id="testlabel" x="162" y="67" text="{getAllMarkersResult.lastResult[1].name}"/>

Not Working:

public function test():void

Any help? thanx


  • Ok so the problem was that in order to use the lastresult or any other service i had to run them straight away when the view was starting and not in another function. So i created a onCreate() function initialising evarything and then called it on th xlmns: oncompletecreate:onCreate(); and everything worked like a charm.