I've seen some similar questions, but no correct answer in my case.
I use the DataTables plugin to sort some tables.
But we can't sort datas like numerics while they are not (nut ;-p). For example, we can't sort formatted prices like those :
So I tried to include a DataTables plugin called "Natural sort". But it doesn't seems to work, I may do some mistakes, but I can't find them.
Any help will be appreciated.
All you need to see/test it : JSfiddle (try to sort the columns...)
So it looks like you have two problems. First, dT isn't picking up your custom sort - it's just ignoring it and using the standard sort. I was able to fix this by specifying the sort for each column:
"aoColumns": [null, {"sType": "natural"}, null, null],
"aaSorting": [[ 1, "asc" ]],
"sScrollX": "100%",
Second, natural sort won't sort those numbers the way you expect. It will take the first number section up until the space and sort on that, like so:
2 150 000 €
4 750 000 €
210 000 €
So you probably just want to write your own sort. Here's an example I tried:
function testSort( a, b ) {
var aa = a.replace(/[ \.]/g,''), bb = b.replace(/[ \.]/g,'');
aa = parseInt( aa.substring( 0, aa.length - 1 ) );
bb = parseInt( bb.substring( 0, bb.length - 1 ) );
return aa == bb ? 0 : ( aa < bb ? -1 : 1 );
The key is removing the spaces, periods and euro signs so that it can be read as a number.