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Generate save as dialog box with AJAX request in Ext Js

I have an application that contains a grid and button for the user to be able to export the grid to excel. I want to be able to show the save as dialog box when the server responds with the excel file.The server accepts the parameters as a JSON object. Here is my code:-

   url: '/export/excel/',
   method: 'POST',
   //Send the query as the message body
   jsonData: jsonStr,
   success: function (result,request) {
        Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, {
           tag: 'iframe',
            frameBorder: 0,
            width: 0,
            height: 0,
            css: 'display:none;visibility:hidden;height:1px;'
    }, //success
    failure: function (response, opts) {
        var msg = 'server-side failure with status code: ' + response.status + ' message: ' + response.statusText;
        Ext.Msg.alert('Error Message', msg);

I know there is a similar question ( ExtJS AJAX save as dialog box) but that references a static file on the server.In my case, depending upon the json sent the result is going to be different each time. I get back the entire excel file that i want in the result.responseText. What needs to be done so that the dialog box popup up asking the user for save as options? Also, im not sure how the src in the domhelper should be configured. Any help would be really appreciated.


  • I made the server side return the path of the location the file is created and saved, instead of sending the file as an attachment in the response and hence avoiding the problem of setting the headers in the response. Then i just set the source of the iframe in the code to the path that gets returned in the response (result.responseText).