I'm trying to make an sql request with join exclusion. Explains:
Table element
id # name #
1 Sea
2 tree
Table colour
id # name #
1 green
2 blue
3 brown
Table relation
element_id # colour_id
1 2
2 1
2 3
I have my working request for "get elements for one of these colours". Exemple with green and blue:
SELECT element.name, colour.name FROM element
LEFT JOIN relation
ON (element.id = relation.element_id)
LEFT JOIN colour
ON (colour.id = relation.colour_id)
WHERE (relation.colour_id = 1 OR relation.colour_id = 2)
I would like make request for "get elements where they have a relation with all listed colors". Where for green and brown it returns tree.
I've tried to change the 'OR' to 'AND' but request return 0 results :/
General way to solve this problem is to filter values and count how many times they appear in result. If equal, all elements are found.
select element_id
from relation
where colour_id in (1, 2)
group by element_id
having count (distinct colour_id) = 2
Having this table one might join it to original tables to produce full column set:
SELECT element.name, colour.name
FROM relation
select element_id
from relation
where colour_id in (1, 2)
group by element_id
having count (distinct colour_id) = 2
) matches
ON relation.element_id = matches.element_id
INNER JOIN element
ON element.id = relation.element_id
ON colour.id = relation.colour_id