I'm using orbeon 3.8 and have the first version of print-pdf-template.xml
And I have following problem, when I'm using http-services to fill xforms:select elements, everything works fine, until I'm trying to get pdf version of form, as I can understand the code below
<xsl:when test="local-name($control) = 'select1'">
<!-- Other single-selection controls: just use label -->
<field acro-field-name="'{$field-name}'" value="'{$control-resources/item[value = $control-value]/label}'"/>
is trying to get label value from resources which form has, and not from http-service. And surely there's no data in form.xhtml with such value.
When I'm filling xforms:element with static fields everything displays in PDF as it should be. If I would change
<field acro-field-name="'{$field-name}'" value="'{$control-resources/item[value = $control-value]/label}'"/>
<field acro-field-name="'{$field-name}'" value="'{$control-value}'"/>
then PDF will show the value of selected item.
As I understand data for print-pdf-template.xsl is described in print-pdf-template.xpl, which determine which processor to use for data transformation.
So I'm wondering what best way to retrieve label data from http-service, which fills xforms:select element with data, in PDF template?
Is it possible to retrieve data without changing processor code?
Thanks for any reply.
This has been fixed starting with this commit (other subsequent commits are also involved) from September 2, 2011.
So this is not a trivial fix and there is no simple answer. From here you could: