Following a guide on the Apple Core Data I deployed my application to the two table view. The first creates the group of holidays, the second includes all the festivities of the group previously created. The technique is one of the bindings. The tables view are connected to two Array Controller. The first Array Controller manages the entity of the group of holidays, the second manages the entity of individual festivals and has two attributes: name and dates. Now I need to get the dates contained in the Array to use in the application. What is the easiest way?
Without following the tutorial myself I can't actually comment on your implementation but I can comment generally.
Perhaps you want to itterate over the selectedObjects?
// When bound to a row, 1 object = 1 row
for (Entity *entity in arrayController_.selectedObjects) {
// Use your entity here ie:
NSLog(@"The entity's date is %@",;
Alternatively you can bind a value to the objectValue of the TableCellView
1. Select the TableCellView
2. Add a label
3. Bind the value of the new label to the TableCellView
4. Set the Model Key Path to ''
Hope this helps