I have ColdFusion Builder 2.0.0 installed and I am trying to look at the much vaunted step debugging. However, I cannot seem to get it to work as I don't have my site / JRun install setup in the naive way the examples show.
I am using version 9,0,1,274733 of ColdFusion and my configuration is as follows:-
Installed as multi-server version with Jrun here:- c:\Apps\JRun4
application files are here:- d:\websites\my.website.com
web root is here d:\websites\my.website.com\www
core library of CFCs is here d:\websites\frameworks\core which is mapped in CF as core
I have read this watched this http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusionBuilder/Using/WS0ef8c004658c1089-31c11ef1121cdfd6aa0-7fff.html and this http://forta.com/blog/index.cfm/2007/5/30/CF8-Debugger-Getting-Started and watched this https://experts.adobeconnect.com/_a204547676/p33029638/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal but I get stuck at the point after you have configured RDS and you are setting up the server for your project.
Now I am pretty sure the above is correct, when I move to the next page in the wizard I get the following:-
Now I as I understand it my Server Home should be c:\Apps\JRun4 and my Document root should be d:\websites\my.website.com
This all looks like it is going to be fine until you actually try and debug when I get
followed by
I can confirm that the server is running and RDS is enabled as in the RDS Dataview I can see all my databases.
Any help would be gratefully received as this is very frustrating and the documentation is very lacking.
There is a video tutorial as well that you may want to check and see if that helps. http://blogs.adobe.com/anand/2011/01/learn-how-to-debug-coldfusion-applications-using-coldfusion-builder-2.html