I'm using this fork of the Twitter Bootstrap typeahead library, which allows asynchronous data sources as well as onselect events. It's working really well for me so far, but when a user tabs out of the field (i.e. doesn't actively select a drop down entry), the onselect event is fired (which in my case, redirects the user to another page). Is there any way I can stop the onselect event being fired if a user doesn't click? Here's what I've got so far (in CoffeeScript):
$(document).ready ->
source: (typeahead, query) ->
url: "/inspections/search.json?name="+query
success: (data) =>
return_list = []
$(data.results.inspections).each ->
return_list.push("<span data-url='" + this.uri + "/edit'>" + this.name + ", " + this.town + "</span>")
onselect: (obj) =>
window.location.href = $(obj).attr("data-url")
In the end, I answered my own question, and put the adjustments in this Gist: