The Sudzc generated code is over writing a dictionary for deserialized nodes. If I use the NSLog(@"The Child Node: %@", [[[element children] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]); it will write the correct items out each time it passed through. When I try to retrieve the results in code only the last one is available (Jackson 3). What am I doing wrong?
// Deserializes the element in a dictionary.
+(id)deserializeAsDictionary:(CXMLNode*)element {
if([element childCount] == 1) {
CXMLNode* child = [[element children] objectAtIndex:0];
if([child kind] == CXMLTextKind)
NSLog(@"The Child Node: %@", [[[element children] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]);
return [[[element children] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue];
NSMutableDictionary* d = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for(CXMLNode* child in [element children]) {
id v = [Soap deserialize:child];
if(v == nil) { v = [NSNull null]; }
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
return d;
2012-04-19 14:13:07.802 Management[3043:10703] Hopefully Child: Allen
2012-04-19 14:13:07.803 Management[3043:10703] Hopefully Child: 1
2012-04-19 14:13:07.804 Management[3043:10703] Hopefully Child: John
2012-04-19 14:13:07.804 Management[3043:10703] Hopefully Child: 2
2012-04-19 14:13:07.805 Management[3043:10703] Hopefully Child: Jackson
2012-04-19 14:13:07.805 Management[3043:10703] Hopefully Child: 3
<TC diffgr:id="TC1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
<TC diffgr:id="TC2" msdata:rowOrder="1">
<TC diffgr:id="TC3" msdata:rowOrder="2">
Solved (changed the soap.m):
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
NSString* key = [child name];
id check = [d objectForKey:key];
if( check != nil ) {
NSInteger next = 1;
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
while( check != nil ) {
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];