I wants to use codeigniter and smarty together.i.e. I wants to use html files instead of .tpl.php files of codeigniter as of smarty. Is this possible or how can I do this.I have searched a lot and find some examples but none of some works as required by me.
You should create a library Smarty_tpl.php
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
//smarty class
require BASEPATH . "../../smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php";
class Smarty_tpl extends Smarty {
function __construct(){
$smarty_dir = BASEPATH . "../../smarty/libs/";
$this->compile_check= true;
$this->force_compile= true;
$this->caching= true;
$this->cache_lifetime= 86400;
And its using: