I am going to promote my product affiliate website through twitter, Where my activities are getting all the tweets based on some keywords(ex: Red shoe). Then ill reply to the tweet like "please check my link http://www.affliateexample.com/redshoe". Im having huge tweet data so planning to execute a cron file to reply all these tweets through my tweet application(php) . Is that a right way to do this work or this will get suspend my twitter account. Please advise on this...
No, what you're doing is considered spam by both the ToS (1, 2) and the users. Stop doing it.
For the record, I always report accounts that automatically mention me based on keywords. With me a thousand others. I think it's safe to assume that even if your account wouldn't get flagged automatically, enough users will click the report button for your account to get suspended.
Full disclosure: I work for Twitter in The Netherlands, as an internationalization moderator