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Jasper Report Creation failed when executing JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint);

Could not create the report Report design not valid : 
     1. Warning : Element bottom reaches outside band area : y=3 height=1 band-height=0
     2. Warning : Element bottom reaches outside band area : y=0 height=29 band-height=0 Report design not valid 

I am new to jasper Reports 4.5.1. Problem is that the above message is being displayed when i call the function with follwoing code.

 JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, param, jdbcConnection);

Lots of thanks in advance for any help.


  • This error message is usually displayed when you have overlapping areas in your template, a field edging out the repeating band for example. From the details of the error message it looks like you have 2 elements with a non zero height trying to be positioned in bands which have been collapsed to zero height.

    I hope this helps.