This is very similar to Rails partial updates problem with hashes , but the question has not really been answered IMHO.
The problem is this: I have a model with a serialized column:
class Import < AR::Base
serialize :data
In my case, this data will, and should, not change after the first save/creation of the model. So I want to disable the feature of AR that always saves serialized columns (which is normally a good idea, as it can't detect those changes). I want to disable the saving because the data can be quite large, and the model will be updated frequently.
I've already tried monkeypatching into ActiceRecord::AttributeMethods::Dirty like this:
class Import
def update(*)
if partial_updates?
super(changed | (attributes.keys & (self.class.serialized_attributes.keys - ["data"])))
but this seems to have no effect. Anybody got a better idea ?
This is under Rails 3.0.12
What I ended up doing, even though it's not really an answer to the original question, is the following:
class Import < AR::Base
belongs_to :storage
class Storage < AR::Base
serialize :data
...i.e. moving the data column into a model of its own, and associate that with the original model. Which is actually conceptually somewhat cleaner.