I am writing a Python script which runs some simulations, but it takes in a lot of input parameters (about 20). So I was thinking of including all the simulation parameters in an external file. What's the easiest way of doing this?
One answer I found was in Stack Overflow question How to import a module given the full path?, putting all the simulation parameters in a file parm.py and importing that module using the imp package.
This would allow the user who runs this script to supply any file as input. If I import a module that way:
parm = imp.load_source('parm', '/path/to/parm.py')
then all the parameters have to be referenced as
parm.p1, parm.p2
However, I would just like to refer to them as p1, p2, etc. in my script. Is there a way to do that?
Importing arbitrary code from an external file is a bad idea.
Please put your parameters in a configuration file and use Python's ConfigParser
module to read it in.
For example:
==> multipliers.ini <==
==> multipliers.py <==
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
p1 = config.getint('parameters', 'p1')
p2 = config.getint('parameters', 'p2')
print p1 * p2