I have a Viewport3D with a few items in it, and I want to add additional items to it that are from a collection that can be data bound to. Is there something like that, that would allow code like this:
<AmbientLight Color="White"/>
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyCollection}">
<DataTemplate ...>
<ModelVisual3D ....>
My solution to this was to use a standard itemscontrol, and stack Viewport3D controls on top of each other. This doesn't respect depth-ordering, but in my case I wanted the items in the itemscontrol to be in front of the rest of the elements anyways:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding XXX}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type XXX}">
<Viewport3D Camera="{Binding Camera, ElementName=MainViewport}">
<AmbientLight Color="White"/>
...my template here...