I need a SQL statement to extract those applicants from the database who have both the attachment tags. The belowq statement works fine if I want aaplicant who have either 7 or 8 as the attachment tag but i need applicant who have both these tags.
select distinct(a.id) from applicant a
join applicantdeployment ad on a.id = ad.applicantid
join ApplicantAttachment at on a.id = at.applicantid
where a.applicanttype = 'TCN/LN' and ad.groundlocation in (4,8,14) and ad.deploymentstatus =1
and ad.trainingdeploymentstatus = 6 and at.tag in (7,8)
For example from the below set I just want ids 7332,7451 and 7449 to show up.
ID Tag
7328 8
7328 8
7332 8
7332 7
7337 7
7449 8
7449 7
7451 8
7453 7
7451 7
You could join to the ApplicationAttachment table twice to ensure that both tags are present. That way you would avoid the need for DISTINCT and GROUP BY.
FROM applicant a
JOIN applicantdeployment ad ON a.id = ad.applicantid
JOIN ApplicantAttachment at7 ON a.id = at7.applicantid AND at7.tag = 7
JOIN ApplicantAttachment at8 ON a.id = at8.applicantid AND at8.tag = 8
WHERE a.applicanttype = 'TCN/LN'
AND ad.groundlocation IN (4,8,14)
AND ad.deploymentstatus = 1
AND ad.trainingdeploymentstatus = 6