I am using Objectify for retrieving data From datastore in GWT,But i get the Following Error :
[ERROR] No source code is available for type com.logins.entity.experts; did you forget to inherit a required module?
I have Client->entity->Server and i did define the RPC properly with RemoteServicePath. i intiaized the Rpc in client side
final findexpertAsync finexp=(findexpertAsync)GWT.create(findexpert.class);
GWT compiler throws Error at the method i call,
finexp.expert(expnam, new AsyncCallback<ArrayList<experts>>()
1) findexpert and FindexpertAsync are the RPC interface which has a method for retriving data from datastore 2)com.logins.entity.experts:experts is a server class.
Any guesses where i am going wrong ?
All classes directly or indirectly referenced from the client must be part of the client source path. You can't access server-only code from GWT. In this case, class "experts" needs to be part of the GWT-compiled client code.
Also: You should capitalize Java class names.