I need to represent the partitions of a number in a list. The procedure also takes in arguments that determine the max number of partitions and the max value of the initial partition.
(list-partitions 5 2 4)
>((4 1) (3 2))
Here the initial total is 5, the max number of partitions is 2 and the max initial partition is 4.
Conceptually, I think I should feed the partitioned numbers into a helper function that will construct the partitions for me. But how would I implement that?
Solved it
Here's a possible solution in Racket. First, the partition
procedure (based on this algorithm) generates the complete list of partitions for the integer n
. Then the list-partitions
procedure filters the results as requested:
#lang racket
(define (partition n)
(let loop ((n n)
(acc '()))
(if (zero? n)
(list acc)
(append-map (lambda (i)
(loop (- n i) (cons i acc)))
(reverse (build-list n add1))))))
(define (list-partitions n max-number max-init)
(take (filter (lambda (lst)
(<= (apply max lst) max-init))
(partition n))
(list-partitions 5 2 4)
> '((1 4) (2 3))