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How can I make a check_box_tag to post a 'false' or '0' parameter when unchecked?

With the following check_box_tag:

<%= check_box_tag 'object[boolean_attribute]', 1, object.boolean_attribute %>

I can update the boolean_attribute in only one direction: from false to true.

When is unchecked by default (because object.boolean_attribute is false) and I check it and then submit the form, a :boolean_attribute => 1 parameter is posted.

But, when I try to update from true to false no param is passed, so the boolean_attribute remains true.

In other words, when is checked by default (because object.boolean_attribute is true) and I uncheck it and then submit the form, a :boolean_attribute => 0 is not posted.

How can I make this check_box_tag to post a :boolean_attribute => 0 parameter when unchecked?

From the api I can't figure out if there is some option to pass to easily achieve it:

Thank you.


For some reason I cannot fathom, in my actual code (with a nested many-to-many association) the hidden_field_tag is not working.

<%= hidden_field_tag 'order[preparations_attributes][][cooked]', nil %>
<%= check_box_tag 'order[preparations_attributes][][cooked]', '1', preparation.cooked? %>

Now I have the opposite problem: I can uncheck the checkbox and the preparation is updated as aspected, but if I check the checkbox it messes up the params.

Here are the posted params for the unchecked box:

Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"bGgPGbk+Cuk2q+LEgqetmk4e7xie8dB3iMP9Cj3SUm0=", "order"=>{"customer_name"=>"Duccio Armenise", "duedate"=>"2012-04-25 09:24:00.000000", "preparations_attributes"=>[{"quantity"=>"1", "description"=>"custom recipe", "kind"=>"custom", "cooked"=>"", "recipe_id"=>"9", "id"=>"86", "quantities_attributes"=>[{"ingredient_id"=>"", "qty"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}, {"ingredient_id"=>"11", "qty"=>"5.0", "id"=>"193", "_destroy"=>"0"}], "_destroy"=>"0"}], "add_preparation"=>{"recipe_id"=>""}}, "continue"=>"Confirm", "id"=>"31"}

Now see what a mess when I check the checkbox, beginning from "cooked"=>" ", for some reason Rails is closing the preparation_attributes hash too early!

Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"bGgPGbk+Cuk2q+LEgqetmk4e7xie8dB3iMP9Cj3SUm0=", "order"=>{"customer_name"=>"Duccio Armenise", "duedate"=>"2012-04-25 09:24:00.000000", "preparations_attributes"=>[{"quantity"=>"1", "description"=>"custom recipe", "kind"=>"custom", "cooked"=>""}, {"cooked"=>"1", "recipe_id"=>"9", "id"=>"86", "quantities_attributes"=>[{"ingredient_id"=>"", "qty"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}, {"ingredient_id"=>"11", "qty"=>"5.0", "id"=>"193", "_destroy"=>"0"}], "_destroy"=>"0"}], "add_preparation"=>{"recipe_id"=>""}}, "continue"=>"Confirm", "id"=>"31"}

EDIT #2:

I think I ran into a Rails bug related to deep nested resource forms and param passing:

For now I made it to work with a select_tag:

<%= select_tag 'order[preparations_attributes][][cooked]', options_for_select({yes: 1, no: 0}, preparation.cooked? ? 1 : 0) %> 

I think that switching to a select_tag in order to avoid the "hidden_field gotcha" is an acceptable workaround.

Anyway, thank you for the answers!


  • check_box (w/o _tag) helper adds hidden field to address your problem for you:

    <%= check_box 'object', 'boolean_attribute', {}, 'true', 'false' %>
    # result:
    <input name="object[boolean_attribute]" type="hidden" value="false" />
    <input id="object_boolean_attribute" name="object[boolean_attribute]" type="checkbox" value="true" />

    UPD: Dealing with nested resources (Product accepts_nested_attributes_for :line_items)

    = form_for @product, url: '' do |f|
        = f.label :title
        = f.text_field :title
      = f.fields_for :line_items do |li|
        = li.check_box :approved
        = li.label :approved,
      = f.submit

    Checking 2 of 3 checkboxes gives me the params as this:

    {..., "product"=>{"title"=>"RoR book", "line_items_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"approved"=>"0", "id"=>"47"}, "1"=>{"approved"=>"1", "id"=>"48"}, "2"=>{"approved"=>"1", "id"=>"51"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Product", "action"=>"action1", "controller"=>"test"}

    params as YAML for readability:

      title: RoR book
          approved: '0'
          id: '47'
          approved: '1'
          id: '48'
          approved: '1'
          id: '51'

    See? No hidden fields but checked/unchecked states are clearly distinguished.

    Having this params allows me to use one line of code to update associated line_items:

    @product.update_attributes params[:product]

    I hope it helps.