I have a node.js function:
function myFunc(callback) {
var ret = 50; // some time consuming calculation
return callback(random);
How do I know when this function has completed if I can't edit it in anyway. Is there a way to chain another callback function onto it. Again without editing myFunc in anyway.
i.e. if I am using:
async.forEach([1, 2, 3], function iter(myFunc(console.log), ????) {}, function(err){
// if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error
What do I put as the iterator?
How do I know pass on control when all the myFuncs have executed?
Something like :
// fn wraps myFunc
var fn = function(callback) {
// myFunc isn't altered, it is called with callback function
myFunc(function(random) {
async.forEach([1,2,3], fn(console.log));