I have a class that is currently in a .lib file:
class __declspec(dllexport) ReportData {
list<FileData *> ReportFileData;
list<SupressionData *> ReportSupressionData;
static char *ClientName;
static char *DataRecieved;
std::string GenFileConfTemplate();
I can add this lib file to my project and create instances of this class no problem. My question is, how can i move this to a DLL and dynamically load it, and create instances of this class. What i'm wanting to do is move some common functionality into this dll and share it across multiple projects.
I want to be able to re-compile the dll if needed when changes are made and have the projects use the must recent version; as of now, using a lib, I have to recompile every project after I recompile the dll for the changes to take place, and because the way this system was originally designed, there are 100+ projects that will use this lib/dll and I don't want to recompile 100 different projects each time a change is made.
So, please give me your expert opinions on how i should go about doing this.
I'll be using the dll inside of my projects like so:
ReportData *rd = new ReportData();
ReportData::ClientName = "test";
rd->ReportFileData.push_back(new FileData("testing", 10, 1));
rd->ReportFileData.push_back(new FileData("testing 2", 20, 1));
std::cout << rd->GenFileConfTemplate();
delete rd;
I ended up with something like this:
typedef Foo* (__stdcall *CreateFunc)();
int main()
HMODULE dll (LoadLibrary ("..\\LLFileConfirmDLL\\LLFileConfirmDLL.dll"));
if (!dll) {
cerr << "LoadLibrary: Failed!" << endl;
return 1;
CreateFunc create (reinterpret_cast<CreateFunc>(GetProcAddress (dll, "create")));
if (!create) {
cerr << "GetProcAddress: Failed!" << endl;
return 1;
Foo *f = create();
cerr << f->Test();
FreeLibrary (dll);
return 0;
struct FOOAPI Foo
virtual ~Foo();
virtual int Test();
int Foo::Test()
return 5;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) Foo* __stdcall create()
return new Foo;
You can do this the way COM does it:
Something like:
extern "C"
BOOL CreateObject(REFCLSID rclsid, void** ppv) {
BOOL success = false;
*ppv = NULL;
if (rclsid == CLSID_ReportData) {
ReportData* report_data = new ReportData();
if (report_data) {
*ppv = report_data;
success = true;
} else if (...) {
... other objects ...
return success;
Of course, now you have to worry about things like who will free the object, making sure the DLL doesn't get unloaded, etc.
See also DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, etc.