The app needs document files from users. Document files are usually found in PC / emails right? What is the most intuitive / user friendly way to get those data from your iOS app? No need to consider effort or how long it will take, the focus is in the user experience.
I have the ff ideas:
Import / Export data via email
Provide web screen for users to upload their files to server.
Provide a server to accept files from email.
Support other means of data sharing like Dropbox? Any other service that is best for this purpose?
[update 1] Wifi / Bluetooth file transfer from PC / other devices to iPad.
[update 2] iCloud
Did I miss anything. Thank you for your time.
I will go with #2 iTunes file Sharing
I prefer this way as you dont need to have internet connection to import, export your files, and is as easy as drag drop, also you can create folders, and have "protected files in your folders"