When I try to instantiate one CFC from 2 different CFCs, ColdFusion returns a 500 error. I tried making one of the CFC extend the other, but it did not solve the issue. Is this possible, or am I simply doing something incorrectly?
<!--- one.cfc --->
<cfcomponent name="FirstCFC">
<cfset this.Tools = createObject('component', 'toolbox').init()>
<!--- two.cfc --->
<cfcomponent name="SecondFC">
<cfset this.Tools = createObject('component', 'toolbox').init()>
<!--- toolbox.cfc --->
<cfcomponent name="Toolbox">
<cffunction name="init" access="public">
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="someFunc" access="public">
Here is a screenshot of the 500 error
Here is a more "full" code sample
The java stack trace you've included is indicitive of an infinite recursion error. Take care when creating objects of type A, which have a new object of type B in their pseudo-constructor. If the object B itself creates an object of type A in its pseudo-constructor, you have yourself an infinite recursion of objects being created, ending in an ugly java stack trace.