I'm trying to capture the picture I'm getting from webview.capturePicture() to save it to an sqliteDatabase, to do I need to convert the image to a byte[] to be able to save it as a BLOB in my table, and then by able to retrieve that byte[] and convert it back to a bitmap.
Here is what I'm doing:
Picture p = webView.capturePicture();
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] ba = bos.toByteArray());
I then retrieve the image by:
byte[] image = cursor.getBlob(imageColumnIndex);
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(image, 0, image.length);
I'm able to retrieve the byte[] just fine but I get a null bitmap all the time from bitmapfactory.
I also notice that if I log.d(TAG, ""+bos) I get a long sequence of bytes as expected but if I do the same to ba just after I do bos.toByteArray() I just get a short array, some thing like this: [B@2b0a7c60
I'm guessing I'm having trouble perhaps to convert by OutputStream to byteArray. Could this by because capturePiture() method returns an OutputStream instead of a ByteArrayOutputStream?
Any help would be appreciated.
Use the below two function convert::::
public String convertBitmapToString(Bitmap src) {
String str =null;
if(src!= null){
ByteArrayOutputStream os=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
src.compress(android.graphics.Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100,(OutputStream) os);
byte[] byteArray = os.toByteArray();
str = Base64.encodeToString(byteArray,Base64.DEFAULT);
return str;
public static Bitmap getBitMapFromString(String src) {
Bitmap bitmap = null;
if(src!= null){
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(src.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT);
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString,0,decodedString.length);
return bitmap;
//Convert Picture to Bitmap
private static Bitmap pictureDrawable2Bitmap(Picture picture){
PictureDrawable pictureDrawable = new PictureDrawable(picture);
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(pictureDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(),pictureDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
return bitmap;