consider the following code:
var t:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D(
new Vector.<Number>([1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,10,10,0,1])
the trace command will print "0" for me, and it is visible with debugger that rawData contains an identity matrix actually. I simply can not set the values contained by Matrix3D!
I'm using flash 11.2.
Thanks, for any help!
Pretty sure your syntax for creating a pre-filled Vector is wrong.
You should have:
new <Number>[values]
Instead of:
new Vector.<Number>([values])
var wrong:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>([1,2,3]);
var right:Vector.<int> = new <int>[1,2,3];
trace(right[1]); // 2
trace(wrong[1]); // error