I follow this tutorial to integrated facebook : http://25labs.com/tutorial-integrate-facebook-connect-to-your-website-using-php-sdk-v-3-x-x-which-uses-graph-api/
The problem is that when i click the login link and allow the app,when i print_r the $_SESSION i get
Array ( [fb_**MY_APP_ID**_state] => 22decb94e83299b9c31113623621eeb2 [userID] => )
Why it didnt get my user id ?!
You can see the hole script here:
I cant make the Facebook PHP-SDK 3.x register/login user integration to work
you can just try http://thinkdiff.net/facebook/php-sdk-3-0-graph-api-base-facebook-connect-tutorial/
it's an up to date & working tutorial with latest php sdk