I want to install Eclim on my MacBook Air (2011 version). But there are some problems I faced during the installation. It told me that I did not install make and GCC.
I tried to find the solution for it, but all solutions are talking about using Xcode. In fact, I installed Xcode.
But I still cannot install Eclim because there are no make and GCC installed.
How can I install them so that I can install Eclim?
Update for newer versions:
The command line versions can now be installed straight from the command line itself;
xcode-select --install
, and agree to the Terms of Service.Once the installation is complete, the command line utilities should be set up property.
Older versions:
Installing recent Xcode versions confusingly enough does not automatically install the command line tools. To install the command line tools when they're not automatically installed;
That will install the command line tools and make them accessible from a regular command line.