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Ohm list and unique not working

Documentation says Ohm lists are treated just like a Ruby array, but I see the following issues: in rails console produces:

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)

That's on a line where I have list :foo where foo should be an array of integers.

Then, to follow up, I wanted to create a unique index on attribute :bar and I get the following when I comment out the list method and add unique:

NoMethodError: undefined method `unique' for MyModel:Class

Here's the class:

class MyModel < Ohm::Model
  attribute :email
  list :foo
  unique :email

This entire thing breaks down unless I comment out both the list and unique directives.


  • Are you looking for assert_unique?

    class MyModel < Ohm::Model
      attribute :email
      index :email
      def validate
        assert_unique :email