I am very new to coding but I am striving to maintain a MVC design pattern at all costs!
I have an app whereby a tableview is selected which pushes to a new tableview. The plist and dictionaries are dealt with in the model class and it returns an array which populates the tableview. When one is selected, do I send that information to the controller than make some sort of query to get the next array, because I believe I can't go from view to model? I've heard of NSNotification, should I set that up somehow so that the model 'knows' what is selected?
In your case, it's perfectly fine to pass along the model data directly to the next tableview. In this case, the controller that manages the first tableview is going to pass the model data to the next controller (the one being pushed one if you're using a navigation controller). That's totally fine from an MVC perspective, and a really common way to do this sort of thing.