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To retrieve the list of installed application required features on the phone

I am able to fetch the list of the installed application in my code by package manager:

public ArrayList<InstalledAppData> importInstalledAppsData(){
        ArrayList<InstalledAppData> appList=new ArrayList<InstalledAppData>();
        PackageManager pkgManager=getApplicationContext().getPackageManager();
        List<ApplicationInfo> packages=getInstalledApplicationsList(pkgManager);
        String deviceId=Util.getDeviceId(getApplicationContext());

        for (ApplicationInfo packageInfo : packages) {
        String packageName=packageInfo.packageName;
        String appName="";
        String appFile = packageInfo.sourceDir;
        long installTime = new File(appFile).lastModified();
        String status="s";
        if ((packageInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 1) {
                appName = (String) pkgManager.getApplicationLabel(packageInfo);
            else {
            appName = (String) pkgManager.getApplicationLabel(packageInfo);
        InstalledAppData data=new InstalledAppData(deviceId, packageName, appName, installTime, status);

        return appList;

Now i want to identify all installed apps on the phone that currently have location services enabled.How can i do this? Thnx in advance


  • How can i do this?

    You can't. The Android SDK has no means for one application to spy on another application's use of LocationManager.

    You can register for the PASSIVE_PROVIDER to see if anyone happens to be requesting location updates, but you cannot tie it down to a specific application.