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NSButtonCell hover image, transparent background on click?

I've implemented an NSButton with an image in it.

When the user hovers it, the image changes to something else, and then back on.

Normal Status :

enter image description here

On Hover :

enter image description here

The code I'm using for the NSButtonCell is :

Interface :

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface DKHoverButtonCell : NSButtonCell 
    NSImage *_oldImage;
    NSImage *hoverImage;

@property (retain) NSImage *hoverImage;


Implementation :

#import "DKHoverButtonCell.h"

@interface NSButtonCell()
- (void)_updateMouseTracking;

@implementation DKHoverButtonCell

@synthesize hoverImage;

- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)event {
    if (hoverImage != nil && [hoverImage isValid]) {
        _oldImage = [[(NSButton *)[self controlView] image] retain];
        [(NSButton *)[self controlView] setImage:hoverImage];

- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)event {
    if (_oldImage != nil && [_oldImage isValid]) {
        [(NSButton *)[self controlView] setImage:_oldImage];
        [_oldImage release];
        _oldImage = nil;

- (void)_updateMouseTracking {
    [super _updateMouseTracking];
    if ([self controlView] != nil && [[self controlView] respondsToSelector:@selector(_setMouseTrackingForCell:)]) {
        [[self controlView] performSelector:@selector(_setMouseTrackingForCell:) withObject:self];

- (void)setHoverImage:(NSImage *)newImage {
    [newImage retain];
    [hoverImage release];
    hoverImage = newImage;
    [[self controlView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)dealloc {
    [_oldImage release];
    [hoverImage release];
    [super dealloc];


Now, here is the issue :

  • although the above controls works 100% (with a "X" rounded image, and transparent background"), when the user clicks on it, it displays a "white"-ish background, and not retain my old "transparent" background
  • How should I go about resolving this?


  • You need to change button's type to Momentary Change. You can change it in Attributes inspector:

    how to do it

    Or change programatically:

    [button setButtonType:NSMomentaryChangeButton];