From Wikipedia:
"Anindya De, Chandan Saha, Piyush Kurur and Ramprasad Saptharishi[11] gave a similar algorithm using modular arithmetic in 2008 achieving the same running time. However, these latter algorithms are only faster than Schönhage–Strassen for impractically large inputs."
I would be very interested in the size of such impractically large integers.
Maybe someone did implement both algorithms in a certain way and could do some benchmarks?
Fürer's algorithm and it's modular equivalent (DSKS) are very deep research topics and, for now, remain only as academic interest. Nobody actually knows how big the cross-over point is. And in all likeliness it doesn't matter because that cross-over point is likely to be well beyond 64-bit computing limits.
I've implemented Schönhage-Strassen before and I understand how Fürer's algorithm works. So I'm quite familiar with both of them. I can say it's very possible that the cross-over point between Schönhage-Strassen and Fürer's algorithm is so high that a computer capable of holding the parameters will be larger than the size of the observable universe.
That's the problem when you have complexities that differ by less than a logarithm. It takes exponentially large input sizes to compensate even for small differences in the Big-O constant.
In this case, Fürer's algorithm is known to have a very very very large Big-O constant.