So, I have homework and I'm doing my best to solve it. We have to translate from English to Morse code. Every word has to be separated.
Example: if I enter this is
it should write: ["_";"....";"..";"..."]["..";"...."]
I wrote 2 functions so far (lowercase to uppercase and matching letters and numbers with Morse code) and now I need to write function which converts string to a list of list of characters like this:
stringSAllCaps " ban an a ";;
- : char list list = [['B'; 'A'; 'N']; ['A'; 'N']; ['A']]
stringSAllCaps "banana";;
- : char list list = [['B'; 'A'; 'N'; 'A'; 'N'; 'A']]
I know how to convert a string into a list of characters, but have no idea what to do next. I don't need someone to solve that for me completely, just to guide me in right direction.
This is what I have done:
let explode niz =
let rec exp a b =
if a < 0 then b
else exp (a - 1) (niz.[a] :: b) in
exp (String.length niz - 1) []
ty for your help :)
I've managed to solve this problem, but not like this. I will post it later.
as I solved it and continued with my homework I realized that I had to use while
and pointers
and now I'm stuck again (pointers are not my best friends.. ). Any suggestions?
my solution at the moment:
# let explode str =
let rec exp = function
| a, b when a < 0 -> b
| a, b -> exp (a-1, str.[a]::b)
exp ((String.length str)-1, []);;
# let split lst ch =
let rec split = function
| [], ch, cacc', aacc' -> cacc'::aacc'
| c::lst, ch, cacc', aacc' when c = ch -> split (lst, ch, [], cacc'::aacc')
| c::lst, ch, cacc', aacc' -> split (lst, ch, c::cacc', aacc')
split (lst, ch, [], []);;
I guess you should start by:
and current_word
for instance)seen_words
is a blank char and do the right things if it is the case ie. update the current word or the already seen list of words.