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simple dcg lexer

Hi i'm writing a simple lexer

:- module(lekser, [lekser/3]).

lekser(Tokens) -->
                   "{",  !, { Token = tkLBrace }
                ;  "}",  !, { Token = tkRBrace }
                ;  ")",  !, { Token = tkRParen }
                ;  "(",  !, { Token = tkLParen }
                ;  ";",  !, { Token = tkSColon }
                ;  "\",  !, { Token = tkLambda }
                ;  "->", !, { Token = tkImpli }
                ;  "<",  !, { Token = tkLT }
                ;  ">",  !, { Token = tkGT }
                ;  "<=", !, { Token = tkLeq }
                ;  ">=", !, { Token = tkGeq }
                ;  "=",  !, { Token = tkAssgn }
                ;  "\=", !, { Token = tkNeq }
                ;  "+",  !, { Token = tkPlus }
                ;  "-",  !, { Token = tkMinus }
                ;  "*",  !, { Token = tkTimes }
                ; "div", !, { Token = tkDiv }
                ; "mod", !, { Token = tkMod }

Here is the begining of code whell coudl someone tell me where i made mistake because swi code editor says there is an eror(even after putting only few empty nelines) Syntax error: String too long (see style_check/1)

... Ok i found out what whas the reason, but i dont know why it works like this editor parse "\" in some strange way and i have to make it "\"" but then as i perhaps it will not be \ operator but \" how to change it ?


  • Just to widen my response, Yes, using "\"" you enter exactly an string with a double quote ". For example:

    ?- write("\"abc\"").

    Note how the string abc is surrounded by two 34 values (the double quote in ASCII).