I have this code:
// signal supporter parent
class signalable {};
template <class typeT = signalable>
typedef void (typeT::*trig)(std::string);
template <class typeT = signalable>
class trigger
typeT* instance;
typeT::trig fun;
trigger(typeT* inst, typeT::trig function)
: instance(inst), fun(function)
void operator ()(std::string param)
And I get lots of compile error that I bet pros know of. I'm just confused a little bit about this context.
What I want to do is clear: Pass pointer to an object, and pointer to one of it's member functions, to make a functor and pass it over in my program.
Would appreciate your helps and "corrections".
Thank you!
Are you trying to do something like this?
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
// signal supporter parent
class signalable
void foo(std::string s) { std::cout << "hello: " << s << std::endl; }
template <class typeT = signalable>
class trigger
typedef void (typeT::*trig)(std::string);
typeT* instance;
trig fun;
trigger(typeT* inst, trig function)
: instance(inst), fun(function)
void operator ()(std::string param)
int main()
signalable s;
trigger<> t(&s, &signalable::foo);
As for some of the more specific errors in your code, most of them seem to relate to your typedef. C++11 allows "template typedefs", but they don't look like that. Have a look at this thread for an example of template typedefs: