I have a question on how to print all the values of an object of a defined type. I have an table SP of objects of type PROJECTT. When I query a row in SP for its object(s), it returns the type of the object (PROJECTT) but not the contents of the object. The type PROJECTT has 5 varchar columns, which is what I want returned.
Below are is my SQL for my table and type
set echo on
set serveroutput on
drop table ACTIVES;
drop table POBJECT;
drop type ACTIVEST;
drop type POBJECTT;
create type POBJECTT as
object (p# varchar(5), pname varchar(20), color varchar(10),
weight number, city varchar(10));
create table POBJECT of POBJECTT;
insert into POBJECT(p#, pname, color, weight, city) values
('P1', 'Nut', 'Red', 12, 'London');
insert into POBJECT(p#, pname, color, weight, city) values
('P2', 'Bolt', 'Green', 17, 'Paris');
insert into POBJECT(p#, pname, color, weight, city) values
('P3', 'Screw', 'Blue', 17, 'Rome');
insert into POBJECT(p#, pname, color, weight, city) values
('P4', 'Screw', 'Red', 14, 'London');
insert into POBJECT(p#, pname, color, weight, city) values
('P5', 'Cam', 'Blue', 12, 'Paris');
insert into POBJECT(p#, pname, color, weight, city) values
('P6', 'Cog', 'Red', 19, 'London');
create type ACTIVEST as table of ref POBJECTT;
create table ACTIVES(s# varchar(5), sname varchar(20), status number,
city varchar(10), sp ACTIVEST)
Then using a Java SAX parser and XML file, I fill the sp column of ACTIVES with references to rows in the POBJECTS table.
I am trying to print these rows using a select statement. I am not quite sure how to get the values of the object in SP, so I started with something like:
select * from (select sp from actives where S# = 'S1')
deref(column_value).p# p#
,deref(column_value).pname pname
,deref(column_value).color color
,deref(column_value).weight weight
,deref(column_value).city city
from actives cross join table(sp)
where s# = 'S1';
----- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
P1 Nut Red 12 London
P2 Bolt Green 17 Paris
Assuming you ran an insert like this before:
insert into actives
select 'S1', 'sname', 0, 'city'
(select ref(p) from pobject p where p# = 'P1')
,(select ref(p) from pobject p where p# = 'P2')
from dual;
Also, your ACTIVES DDL didn't work for me. I had to add nested table sp store as sp_tab;
to the end of it.