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Duplicating records to fill gap between dates

I need to do something really weird, which is to create fake records in a view to fill the gap between posted dates of product prices.

Actually, my scenario is a little bit more complicated than that, but I've simplified to products/dates/prices.

Let's say we have this table:

create table PRICES_TEST
   PRICE_DATE    date          not null,
   PRODUCT       varchar2(13) not null,
   PRICE         number

alter table PRICES_TEST 
  add constraint PRICES_TEST_PK
    primary key (PRICE_DATE, PRODUCT);

With these records:

insert into PRICES_TEST values (date'2012-04-15', 'Screw Driver', 13);
insert into PRICES_TEST values (date'2012-04-18', 'Screw Driver', 15);

insert into PRICES_TEST values (date'2012-04-13', 'Hammer', 10);
insert into PRICES_TEST values (date'2012-04-16', 'Hammer', 15);
insert into PRICES_TEST values (date'2012-04-19', 'Hammer', 17);

selecting records will return me this:

PRICE_DATE                PRODUCT       PRICE                  
------------------------- ------------- ---------------------- 
13-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        10                     
16-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        15                     
19-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        17                     
15-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  13                     
18-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  15                     

Assuming today is Apr 21 2012, I need a view that shall repeat each price every day until a new price is posted. Like this:

PRICE_DATE                PRODUCT       PRICE                  
------------------------- ------------- ---------------------- 
13-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        10                     
14-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        10                     
15-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        10                     
16-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        15                     
17-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        15                     
18-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        15                     
19-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        17                     
20-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        17                     
21-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Hammer        17                     
15-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  13                     
16-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  13                     
17-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  13                     
18-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  15                     
19-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  15                     
20-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  15                     
21-Apr-2012 00:00:00      Screw Driver  15                     

Any ideas how to do that? I cannot really use other auxiliary tables, triggers nor PL/SQL programming, I really need to do this using a view.

I think this can be done using oracle analytics, but I'm not familiar with that. I tried to read this but I didn't get it at all.


  • I think I have a solution using an incremental approach toward the final result with CTE's:

    with mindate as
      select min(price_date) as mindate from PRICES_TEST
    ,dates as
      select mindate.mindate + row_number() over (order by 1) - 1 as thedate from mindate,
        dual d connect by level <= floor(SYSDATE - mindate.mindate) + 1
    ,productdates as
      select p.product, d.thedate
      from (select distinct product from PRICES_TEST) p, dates d
    ,ranges as
        (select max(PRICE_DATE) from PRICES_TEST p2
         where p2.product = pd.product and p2.PRICE_DATE <= pd.thedate) as mindate
        from productdates pd
    from ranges r
    inner join PRICES_TEST p on r.mindate = p.price_date and r.product = p.product
    order by r.product, r.thedate
    • mindate retrieves the earliest possible date in the data set
    • dates generates a calendar of dates from earliest possible date to today.
    • productdates cross joins all possible products with all possible dates
    • ranges determines which price date applied at each date
    • the final query links which price date applied to the actual price and filters out dates for which there are no relevant price dates via the inner join condition
