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cannot get phing to run at all

Max OS X 10.7.. when i run phing -v i get the following errors:

Warning: require_once(phing/Project.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/lib/php/pear/phing/Phing.php on line 22

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'phing/Project.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/lib/php/pear/phing/Phing.php on line 22

Here are the commands i used:

pear config-set auto_discover 1
pear install phing/phing

Here is my php.ini:

include_path = ".:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/lib/php"

running whereis for php, pear, and phing returns:

bash-3.2$ whereis php

bash-3.2$ whereis pear

bash-3.2$ whereis phing

running config-get for pear returns:

→ pear config-get php_dir

checking this folder, system.php and phing.php both exist in this path.


  • Seems like include_path is somehow broken.

    Check PEAR's directory:

    pear config-get php_dir

    Whatever directory is returned, it should contain PEAR files (System.php and phing files in particular)

    Check that correct php.ini is used:

    Run php --ini and see what INI file is being loaded. Then make sure this INI files contains PEAR directory in it's include_path

    Check include_path:

    Run php -c /path/to/php.ini -r 'echo get_include_path() . "\n";'.


    The problem is indeed with include_path since the error message reports (include_path='.:') which clearly shows that PEAR is NOT in your include path. This means that wrong php.ini is being loaded for CLI PHP. To fix it, find correct php.ini file (step 2) and add

    include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php/pear" 

    to it.