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How to check whether a sentence is correct (simple grammar check in Python)?

How to check whether a sentence is valid in Python?


I love Stackoverflow - Correct
I Stackoverflow love - Incorrect


  • Check out NLTK. They have support for grammars that you can use to parse your sentence. You can define a grammar, or use one that is provided, along with a context-free parser. If the sentence parses, then it has valid grammar; if not, then it doesn't. These grammars may not have the widest coverage (eg, it might not know how to handle a word like StackOverflow), but this approach will allow you to say specifically what is valid or invalid in the grammar. Chapter 8 of the NLTK book covers parsing and should explain what you need to know.

    An alternative would be to write a python interface to a wide-coverage parser (like the Stanford parser or C&C). These are statistical parsers that will be able to understand sentences even if they haven't seen all the words or all the grammatical constructions before. The downside is that sometimes the parser will still return a parse for a sentence with bad grammar because it will use the statistics to make the best guess possible.

    So, it really depends on exactly what your goal is. If you want very precise control over what is considered grammatical, use a context-free parser with NLTK. If you want robustness and wide-coverage, use a statistical parser.