I need to use Joins for a project but I have forgot how to use it. It's all just messing with my head now, I can't quite figure it out.
I have five tables, all of which I need to join:
categories - id, name
movies_categories - movie_id, category_id
movies - id, title, description, release_date, cover_image
users - id, username, password
user_movies - user_id, movie_id, favorite, review, watch_date, rating
As you can see the project is movie related, and user_movies contains all the movies the user has watched. What I need to do is get all the movies a certain user has watched. So, I need all of the movie info for each movie, the username (that's pretty much all the info I need from the user), and some of the columns from user_movies (all of them except the first two). I also need to combine all of the categories for each movies into one "variable". I believe you can use GROUP_CONCAT() to do that, I've done it before.
It's a tricky task, I really need to get my head around this. If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it.
If you had provided table schemas (create table scripts) I could test query on sqlfiddle so I couldn't test but I think this query is what you need.
select u.username, u.password
, um.user_id, um.movie_id, um.favorite
, um.review, um.watch_date, um.rating
, m.movie_title, m.description, m.release_date, m.cover_image
, mc.category_id
, group_concat(distinct c.name) as movie_categorynames
from user_movies um
inner join users u on u.id = um.user_id
inner join movies m on m.id = um.movie_id
inner join movies_categories mc on mc.movie_id = um.movie_id
inner join categories c on c.id = mc.category_id
where um.user_id=1
group by um.user_id
nike 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8 1 3 0 This is my movie review! 51351 7 It's Kind of a Funny Story A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward. 2010 8d27232902780886db032afb8d4883a7.jpg 5 Comedy,Drama